We’ve spoken about this in separate channels, but it feels like it’s worth saying here:
I’m absolutely here for the level of detail in this proposal, and would like to see more of it going forward from projects that want to be added to candidate lists. I’ll be using this as a reference point going forward for people who ask “how do we propose things” (so please don’t go removing the GDoc!).
For those who aren’t familiar: AXS is moving its token onto a sidechain, so we want to migrate AXS out of NFTP before liquidity dries up completely - however, when NFTP was launched it was done so with exactly ten tokens (and no other candidate assets), so AXS must be explicitly replaced in the token list and reindexed.
Re. BPTs suitability: tokens such as WHALE and B20 were removed from consideration because they don’t fall under the ‘platform’ label. There’s a part of me that thinks that BPT should be given the same treatment, but with that said Blackpool’s stated goal of becoming a platform for, e.g. derivatives squeaks it into viability.
It’s down to the Sigma committee to make a decision about this as operators of the pool - although I strongly encourage the Indexed community to speak their piece, either for or against BPTs inclusion. I say this because the current Sigma committee’s term has expired: we’ll be running an effort to pick up a new committee soon, but in the interim we do still have the powers associated with the multisig.