Oracle Tokens
This category tracks Ethereum-based oracle tokens.
Name: Oracle
Symbol: ORC
This category has the following criteria for inclusion:
The token is at least 4 weeks old.
No major vulnerabilities have been discovered in the token contract.
The token’s supply can not be arbitrarily inflated or deflated maliciously.
The control model should be considered if the supply can be modified through governance decisions.
The token does not have transfer fees or other non-standard balance updates.
The token meets the requirements of the ERC20 standard.
Boolean return values are not required.
The token has a fully diluted market cap of at least $40 million.
At least $500k worth of liquidity is locked in the Uniswap market pair between the token and WETH or approved stablecoins.
The token is one of:
Protocol token for an Ethereum-based oracle project.
Fully Diluted Market Cap: Market price of one token in USD multiplied by the token’s total supply.
Protocol Token: A token used for some core aspect of a system, such as payment for services within a protocol or rewarding users maintaining a network.
Oracle: A system used to provide information from off chain or on chain components, for use by on chain smart contracts as feeds or information sources.
Index Naming Scheme
Indices deployed for this category should use the following naming scheme for the ERC20 name and symbol:
Symbol: ORC + Index Size
Name: Oracle Top + Index Size + Tokens Index
Index Size: 5
Symbol: ORC5
Name: Oracle Top 5 Tokens Index
Controller will be the current controller without a circuit breaker that can stop swaps, so any token that could have a supply based bug would be able to drain the pool. Though these tokens have been live long enough and with high enough market cap that this should be fine.