Hi everyone,
If you’ve been around for long enough, you know of the existence of the Sigma Program and associated committee. If you’re new, or weren’t aware, the Sigma Program was designed to allow index products to be launched without having to go through the DAO, allowing for nimbler deployment and maintenance, as well as to enable experimentation with scoring strategies more exotic than the square-root of FDV utilised by the core indices (DEFI5, CC10 and ORCL5).
The term of the original Sigma Committee (Dillon, Lito, myself, blurr and Strategy) has expired, and even though the tokens that were initially allocated to the Sigma Program have since been folded into the wider liquidity mining program, the multisig still exists, and has the power to add or remove tokens from candidate lists and force reindexation of all Sigma pools: DEGEN, NFTP and FFF.
In the light of this shift in responsibilities (and… well, our term is over), we’d like to elect a new Committee, and to that end I’d like to gauge the interest within the DAO for serving in this role, if you like what we’re doing and want to get more involved.
In a sense, the Sigma Committee acts as viziers to Core. Your responsibilities would be:
- Evaluating proposals for the addition of assets to Sigma pools (and more power to you if you’re the type of person who throws together reports saying why something is a good idea or not),
- Discussing proposals for wholesale new indices and scoring strategies: the existing committee has experience in this regard, and we’re not going anywhere!, and
- Vetting proposed transactions to the multisig Gnosis and sign, either to implement decisions arrived via the above, or more workaday administrative tasks.
We want to onboard people willing and able to do deep dives into tokens and their ecosystems, so a passion for DeFi as a sector (rather than just wanting your finger nearer the pulse to attempt to pump your own bags) is ideal. It’s important that you’re active and intend to remain so: the last thing we want is to be hamstrung waiting on signatures from people who only pop in every other week or so.
If you feel like you’re too green for this sort of role, don’t let that deter you if you’re enthusiastic: Core is very active and chatty, and more than happy to get more voices in the room, if those voices are well-intentioned. I know this full well, because my election via the community onto the Sigma Committee ultimately led to me joining Core.
I’m not going to put any end-dates on the self-nomination process yet, nor any firm statements on the size of the new Committee. Let’s see how it goes first!
This thread is for nominating members of the community to serve as members of the new generation of the Sigma Committee. You may nominate yourself or another user if you/they have not already been nominated. In any event, please give us a brief rundown of who you are and why you think you’d be a good fit. Existing members of the Sigma Committee are welcome to reapply.
Once we’ve collected a bunch of nominations, we’ll run a Snapshot vote that makes use of quadratic voting to elect members: see https://wtfisqf.com and this sample Snapshot for details on how quadratic voting works. TL;DR: more people voting for someone can pretty easily overcome a single large voter trying to impose their will.
Throw your hat in the ring, and we’ll recreate the #sigma-interviews channel on the Discord to grill people soon! [Pro-tip: be in the Discord!]
One last thing: it’d be preferable if the Indexed Growth Committee and the Sigma Committee had no overlap, simply to have more people involved. Consider this mild discouragement from applying to both for the sake of maximising your chances, but we won’t disqualify you outright for doing so!